AI [UGC NET June 2015 Paper 3]

Question : 22.          The clausal form of the disjunctive normal form ¬A ¬B ¬C D
A.            A ∧ B ∧ C ⇒ D
B.            A B C D true
C.            A B C D true
D.            A B C D false

Question : 23.          Which of the following is false for the programming language PROLOG ?
A.            A PROLOG variable can only be assigned to a value once
B.            PROLOG is a Strongly Typed Language.
C.            The scope of a variable in PROLOG is a single clause or rule.
D.            the scope of a variable in PROLOG is a Single Query

Answer : B
Prolog is not a strongly typed language, and in fact variables in predicates are not type-restricted in any way. This means that there is a danger of procedures being called with unsuitable parameter values. With a strongly typed language (Pascal, for example) if a procedure is called with too many or the wrong type of argument values, the implementation would automatically flag a type mismatch at or before run-time, and the user would be aware of and could pin-point the error. In Prolog the run-time behaviour in this case would be unpredictable, and the error would be difficult to detect and fix.

Quesiton : 24.  Which one of the following is true?
A.  The resolvent of two horn clauses is not a horn clause.
B.  The resolvent of two horn clauses is a Horn Clause.
C.   If we resolve a negated goal G against a fact or rule A to get Clause C then C has positive literal and non null goal.
D.   If we resolve a negated goal G against a fact or rule A to get clause C then C has positive literal or null goal.

Answer: B
A Horn clause is a clause (a disjunction of literals) with at most one positive, i.e. unnegated, literal. Conversely, a disjunction of literals with at most one negated literal is called a dual-Horn clause. A Horn clause with exactly one positive literal is a definite clause; a definite clause with no negative literals is sometimes called a fact; and a Horn clause without a positive literal is sometimes called a goal clause (note that the empty clause consisting of no literals is a goal clause).  

Question 55.       Match the following :

(a) Intelligence          
(i) Contextual, tacit, transfer needs learning
(b) Knowledge           
(ii) Scattered facts, easily transferrable
(c) Information         
(iii) Judgemental
(d) Data                      
(iv) Codifiable, endorsed with relevance and purpose

Answer : B

Question 56.       Match the following knowledge representation techniques with their applications:
(a) Frames                                     
(i) Pictorial representation of objects, their attributes and relationships
(b) Conceptual dependencies       
(ii) To describe real world stereotype events
(c) Associative networks                
(iii) Record like structures for grouping closely related knowledge
(d) Scripts                                       
(iv) Structures and primitives to represent sentences

Codes :  

Answer: A

57.       In propositional logic P↔Q is equivalent to (Where ~ denotes NOT):
(A) ~(PQ)~(QP)   (B) (~PQ)(~QP)
(C) (PQ)(QP)          (D) ~(PQ)→~(QP)
Answer: B

Question 58.       Which of the following statements is true for Branch-and-Bound search?
(A) Underestimates of remaining distance may cause deviation from optimal path.
(B) Overestimates can’t cause right path to be overlooked.
(C) Dynamic programming principle can be used to discard redundant partial paths.
(D) All of the above
Answer: C

Question 59.       Match the following with respect to heuristic search techniques:

(a) Steepest-accent Hill Climbing
(i) Keeps track of all partial paths which can be candidate for further exploration
(b) Branch-and-bound
 (ii) Discover problem state(s) that satisfy a set of constraints
(c) Constraint satisfaction
(iii) Detects difference between current state and goal state
(d) Means-end-analysis
 (iv) Considers all moves from current state and selects best move

Answer: B

Question 60.    Match the following for methods of MIS development:

(a) Joint Application Design(JAD)
(i) Delivers functionality in rapid iteration measured in weeks and needs frequent communication, development, testing and delivery
(b) Computer Aided Software Engg
(ii) Reusable applications generally with one web services and service oriented architecture.
(c) Agile development                  
(iii) Tools to automate many tasks of SDLC
(d) Component based technology
(iv) A group based tool for collecting user requirements and creating system design. Mostly used in analysis and design stages of SDLC


Answer: B

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